Adult Stem Cell Awareness

May 28, 2010

Adult Stem Cells still hold the best hope for EB

The University of Minnesota is several months into a new FDA approved trial for the treatment of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (EB), which is the most severe form.  The Edlings hope their son Daylon, scheduled to begin treatment this month, will benefit – even though the trial itself is risky. Daylon will receive a bone marrow transplant to trigger the  production of collagen VII. Of course, all of this is the “magic” of adult stem cells at work. We hope and pray the results will save Daylon’s life, and lead to the same life-saving therapies for others living with the most severe EB.  See the full story here.

See also: Cure Found for Child’s “Untreatable” Skin Disease! and Adult stem cells may help children with a severe skin disease

June 5, 2008

Cure Found for Child’s “Untreatable” Skin Disease!

Missouri Right to LifeTwo year old Nate Liao is the first person to be successfully treated with cord blood and bone marrow stem cells to correct his epidermolysis bullosa (EB). Now doctor’s say they have set the path for a cure for his painful genetic skin disease. Those who suffer from this disease experience a life of chronic pain, blisters, sores, amputations, infections and it can eventually lead to cancer. Nate received the stem cells from his healthy brother last October. Nate’s brother Jacob, who also has the disease, received a cord-blood transplant from an unrelated donor on May 30. Watch video

While scientists back off claims that embryonic stem cells will ever treat human patients, ethical “adult” stem cells continue to impact the lives of many.

Previous ASCA post:
Adult stem cells may help children with a severe skin disease

March 7, 2008

Adult stem cells may help children with a severe skin disease


Don Margolis blogged this story about the possibility of a new hope for a terrible disease. Because I correspond a lot with parents who are considering termination – knowing that their babies will be born with defects or syndromes, Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) has been one of those conditions I’ve always dreaded discussing; it’s awful, a life of chronic pain, likely amputations, infections . . . and yet each person affected by EB (there are several kinds with differing severity) has a right to life, even if it is a difficult one. Now, there may be some hope for these children like Jake pictured above with his unaffected brother, Julian. 

Read about this treatment — and pray. Imagine what a successful treatment means to this family, and all the families dealing with EB.

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